Sunday, January 27, 2013

Better Late Than Never...or Early...or On-Time...

And I should know because I am rarely on time. I’ll chock my johnny-come-lately-style foray into fashion blogging up to that. I’m not sure, but I think I might be breaking some tacit and hallowed fashion blogging rules—I don't know what these are—in that I’m 26-soon-to-be-27 (this is apparently too old to start anything... Kill me.), I haven’t been blogging for years, or actually even days for that matter, I don’t think I know any other bloggers (although I am an avid follower of this lady, this lady, this lady aaaaaand this lady), I don’t have a personal street style photographer in my posse—or a posse, I probably exceed the height limit by a good 6 inches, and my hair sometimes looks like tumbleweeds.

But living a rather unapologetic existence as a fashion devotee and style enthusiast—the unfamous kind—sort of makes me qualified, right? Eh. Regardless, over the years, the depth and breadth and form of that devotion has manifested itself differently, (i.e. 10-year-old me was obsessed with Hush Puppies and Wet Seal. Wait, can you say “manifested” on a Fashion Blog? Or “Wet Seal” for that matter?! Two more rules most likely broken...) and I suppose this venture is yet another permutation in my expression of that devotion.

Mostly, I just want to make an outfit diary and have a place where I can write about leather skirts ad nauseum and say things like “SQUEEEEEEE POLKA DOT PANTZZZZ!!!” and have it be OK. And anyway, saying, “It’ll look great on my résumé” means you can write off just about any retarded thing you do.

At least I’m here. Better late, I say.

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