Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Summer Dress in Winter

Patriotism is a jean jacket.
Lean into it.
Where am I?
Dress (Topshop, similar here), Jean Jacket (GAP - this mofo is seriously from 7th Grade, no joke - similar here), Shoes (Happy Socks x Keds, similar here), Necklace (Dogeared), Watch (Fakety-fake-fake $20 at BP. here)

Guess what? It's Springtime in Livermore! Guess what else? Livermore is apparently a place in California! (...and a lovely one at that.) These things are worth noting because it's February, and the fact that I stood bare-legged in a summer dress in the middle of a field on a Saturday morning, and totally forgot where and when I was for a moment is something, to say the least. Any place capable of such witchery is worth a visit. Especially if, like me, you're impatiently (not)waiting for the arrival of Spring.

Livermore is like Napa's sort-of-look-alike-but-not-as-popular cousin (the one you hang out with as like, a consolation prize when you can’t really get to the popular cousin because she’s too busy hanging out at Nick’s house drinking wine coolers and sitting on top of his pool table because um, THAT’S JUST WHAT COOL PEOPLE DO). Digressions aside, Livermore gave me an excuse to get crayzeee and put a sundress on and frolic in a field unapologetically, hopped up on wine and my polka dot shoes. LIVERMORE IS THE BEST (when it’s where you are). Spring is coming, guys. Ready your sundresses, your plimsoll sneakers, your field daisy head wreaths
‘k not thoseyour tattered jean jackets.

And in the meantime, go to Livermore and pretend you're in a Free People catalog.

Photos © Rose Garrett